Medicine Modalities

Your session can look like exactly what you need choosing from these modalities with in person and online options.

You might just like to be in meditative peace in the sound and bodywork.

You might want to talk and work through whatever is on your mind too.

You might want to pick through my body of knowledge for suggestions to improve your health.

You might want to do gentle yoga movement, breathwork, or setting intentions before the table session begins.

You might just want sound.

It’s your time. I am here as a tool for you to access deeper states of healing.

Kelly giving a back massage to an amma therapy client

Amma Therapy

Amma therapy – a specialized form of bodywork therapy that combines deep, therapeutic, circular digital pressure and acupressure point stimulation with Chinese medicine principles for accessing and treating imbalances in the energy system.

Amma is the oldest known word used to describe massage therapy, and is a bodywork style that even predates acupuncture. Like acupuncture, Amma focuses on the balance and movement of your energy (Qi (ch-ee))  throughout your body using a variety of massage therapy techniques and rely solely on the power in your own hands. It is a comprehensive form of holistic healthcare and a profound healing art that involves training in a lineage form of asian bodywork and Chinese medicine. Amma Therapy restores, promotes and maintains optimum health through the treatment of the physical body, the bio-energy, and the emotions, which reflect and are bound into the neuromuscular system. It has proven to be an effective healing modality used to treat a wide range of medical conditions. Amma Therapy feels like an amazing massage paired with great talk and is a highly refined and complex system of bodywork.

During an Amma Therapy session, I use Chinese Medicine principles for assessing and evaluating general imbalances in the energetic system and pair it with a Western approach to organ dysfunctions. The treatment includes the use of dietary therapy, herbs, nutritional supplements, and the external application of herbal preparations.

Sound Bath Boise

Sound & Vibrational Medicine

The application of sound vibration to the physical and subtle bodies opens the energetic pathways where the Qi or natural life force flows. As a result, energy blocks are removed – increasing the flow of Qi – facilitating homeostasis through which profound healing begins.

Sound healing is based on the principal that everything in the universe is made of vibration. Sound healing is possible because the human body is not solid and is held together by vibration. Like a well tuned musical instrument, the body is a rhythmic, harmonious form unless it’s vibratory field as disrupted.

Disease can be defined as any disorder, disruption or disharmony in the body. Sound, vibration and music have long been part of our response to disease and illness and request for well-being.

From laying on the Vibroacoustic table with Braintap to tuning forks with gemstones used on acupressure points (Acutonics), to a gong, chimes, drums, and Master Healer Tibetian bowls you will be bathed in sound healing.

Acutonics Tuning forks Boise

Biofield Balance® Intuitive Assessment

The biofield is an electromagnetic field that surrounds and permeates the human body. The health of the biofield is believed to affect our daily energetic balance and well-being. A Biofield Balance® Intuitive Assessment is designed to provide an in-depth intuitive evaluation of the biofield, including the chakra system and the auric field. 

Separate from a bodywork session this session can be held over the phone and is for informational purposes only. No energy work will be done. The value of awareness and energetic permission to release can go so far!

Kelly is wearing a mustard yellow shirt and holding a flame while placing fire cups on her client's back

Fire Cupping

Cupping is a technique that uses small glass cups as suction devices that are placed on the skin to disperse and break up stagnation and congestion by drawing congested blood, energy or other humors to the surface. In dry cupping, the therapist will simply place the suction cups on the skin with the help of fire to create the suction. The fire will not be felt.

Once the suction has occurred, the cups can be left in place for 10-15 minutes then may be gently moved across the skin (often referred to as “gliding cupping). Cupping is much like the inverse of massage – rather than applying pressure to muscles, it uses gentle pressure to pull them upward. For most patients, this is a particularly relaxing and relieving sensation.

The side effects of cupping are fairly mild. Bruising should be expected, but skin should return to looking normal within 10 days.

This treatment is also valuable for the lungs and can clear congestion from a common cold or help to control a person’s asthma. In fact, respiratory conditions are one of the most common maladies that cupping is used to relieve.

Cupping’s detoxifying effect on skin and circulatory system is also significant.  Cupping removes toxins and improves blood flow through the veins and arteries. Especially useful for athletes is cupping’s potential to relieve muscle spasms, tension, and fatigue.

Cupping also affects the digestive system. A few benefits include an improved metabolism, relief from constipation, a healthy appetite, and stronger digestion.

A collection of essential oils and a pink salt lamp

Plant Medicine

Chinese medicine and essential oils are a dream team for helping balance the body.  When practicing acupressure we use pressure to affect points and/or meridian systems in the body, which creates and energetic and physical effect in the body. These points are areas along specific energetic meridians in the body that are associated with each of our organ systems. This helps the body to create homeostasis.  

Our bodies were designed to adapt to stressors and constraints on our body to reset into balance. Using essential oils on acupressure points also creates an energetic and physical response.  Our whole body system can be effected positively by using these high in energetic vibration oils on acupressure points. 

Also trained in Western herbs we can identify herbal remedies that will help you with your wellness goals.

Neuro Somatic Yoga

Neuro Somatic Yoga is principle based and holds space for intuition and spirit as well as science and logic. Even though it is more about the process than the goal, the intent is to connect to SELF/Spirit/Innate to access deep healing potentials. We all have innate intelligence in us to protect, nurture, and self regulate. When we tap into that intuition and merge that with logic we create a greater impact in the physical.

Together we will enter into a state of listening to your being working from the most subtle parts to the most physical to create the most potential for healing. Our survival mechanism keeps us alive but can also create disruptive patterns and disease.

Using movement based in yoga we we tap into breath as a bridge to enter into states of neutrality, observations, healing, innate, intuition etc. We work with proprioception and gravity to help reorganize tension patterns. We work with tissue behavior as some tissues benefit from pressure while others do not. We work with the three brains- brain, heart brain, and gut brain- as all 3 play a vital role in our body’s program, patterns, and memory. We look at patterns of posture and structure because everything is connected. Healing is layered because healing one layer allows the next layer to present itself.